what an incredible turn-out for the first annual Frenchtown Green Fair
-- yes, folks, everyone involved wants to put it on again next year!
YAY!!! I was talking about EV's practically nonstop, plus a little bit
about my Montessori preschool since the Miata was parked right next to
that tent. We had beautiful weather & an awesome array of 60
vendors and hundreds and hundreds of visitors who spent a long time
taking in the educational lectures, arts & crafts for the kids,
drumming & mandala-making for all ages, plus food & free water
from the local artesian well across the street.
alternative fuel vehicle display featured TWO electric cars, our Miata
& thanks to Charlie & Catherine Reichner of the Heat Shed, a
Nissan Leaf! This allowed me to point out to everybody I spoke to that
you can build your own EV today, or buy one at your local automotive
dealer. What a change from 2006 when I first started spieling electric
cars in public at the Energy Fest in Kempton PA!
alt-fuel display also incorporated a veggie Mercedes converted by Bryan
Davison, formerly of Frenchtown Borough Council & the founding
chair of the Green Team; he towed his biodiesel-brewing set-up behind to
show it off as well, & had a lot of enthusiastic questioners to
engage with during the course of the day. A Chevy Volt rounded out the
show, & I took my usual pleasure in explaining to anyone who would
listen that properly it is not an EV but a series plug-in hybrid. (Nomenclature is important folks!)
more importantly, a range of solutions from the home-brewed to the
high-tech now exist to our transportation & foreign oil dependency
dilemma. It was awesome from the EV advocate perspective to have a
variety of vehicles
to point to at our little homegrown Green Fair. I'm hoping to help
mount an even bigger & better display next year.
We got a nice letter from the mayor of Frenchtown, who was incredibly supportive of the Green Fair, as a thank you.
On Sept. 29 Frenchtown held its first Green Fair, dedicated to promoting environmentally responsible, sustainable living.
most accounts the fair was the best-attended event ever held at Old
Frenchtown Field. Residents and friends from neighboring communities
came away inspired to change the way we live and educated with the tools
to make those changes.
That was no
accident. The Green Fair steering committee of Frenchtown’s Green Team
spent 10 months creating and organizing the event. Kudos are due
Adrienne Crombie, who led the group, Cathy Leach, Dominikija Prostak,
Bonnie Pariser, Gerry St. Onge, Don Dalen, Richard Reilly, Jenny Isaacs
and MaryBeth Healy.
Thanks, too, to
Frenchtown Borough Council and the Frenchtown Business and Professional
Association for their support and commitment; to Gold Sponsors Stem
Brothers and Century Link; to sponsors ShopRite, Basil Bandwagon and
Brad’s Raw Chips; to John Gattuso Media Design for the fair’s graphics
and to Civilian for silk-screening the graphic onto T-shirts; to WDVR
radio, especially Jim Jordan and Melba Toast, for handling on-site
acoustics and a live broadcast; for Adam Blackburn for the musical
soundtrack when no presentations were under way; to Mike Reino and Mike
Roden of the borough Department of Public Works for getting the field in
shape before and after the fair; to the Frenchtown Police and the
Frenchtown Volunteer Fire Company, and to Anthony DeSapio, Clark Johnson
and Tim Fisher for allowing visitors to park on their properties, and
to the American Legion for managing the parking.
Anthony DeSapio also generously provided free water to the fair
and contributed Saturday’s proceeds from the Frenchtown Well to the
Green Team.
Thanks to the Lion’s Club for serving vegetarian
fare alongside the more traditional hamburgers and hot dogs; to the
Frenchtown Community Garden; to Man-E-Faces’ Eric Fiorito for seven
hours of non-stop children’s face-painting and Rosalie Justine Skakum,
Tricia Hurley, and Robin Reichert who entertained those children with
art projects & story-telling throughout the day; to the 19 bakers
who entered the pie baking contest (which helped raise $450 for the Fire
Company) and pastry chefs from Lovin’ Oven, The National Hotel, The
Bridge Café, Eat Cake and Milford Oyster House for judging it; to Dan
Mundy and the Hunterdon County 4-H for providing the petting farm; to
all the Frenchtown shops, restaurants and businesses who contributed
raffle prizes; to Sara Dalen, Morgan Fisher, Clover Stieve and Grace
Guggenheim for providing live entertainment; to speakers on sustainable
living: Mona Laru of Naked Nutrition, Bonnie Pariser of Yoga Loka, Jonah
Dabb of Hunterdon 4-H; Master Gardener Connie Hughes; Carol Ragucci of
Holistic Living; Laurie Fischer of Organic Plant Care LLC and Keith
Strunk of River Union Stage; to Dr. Jodi Dinnerman who provided gentle
chiropractic adjustments for a donation to the Green Team, and to the
vendors who provided visitors with environmental education along with
the products they hoped to sell.
The fair itself
certainly would have run less smoothly without the help of the more than
two dozen members of the Frenchtown Elementary School student council
and the Delaware Valley Regional High School Key Club. Throughout the
day, these young people demonstrated a commitment to the goal of “green”
living that bodes well for the future.
Thanks, finally,
to all who visited. You provided the energy and enthusiasm that made
the day so rewarding. We hope you had fun. We did. See you next year.
Warren Cooper, Mayor
Brief Political Blurb: EV's & Batteries in the Spotlight
awesome to be on the forefront of personal, one-on-one EV advocacy at
events like the Green Fair -- even though it's kind of a bummer that
this kind of work is still necessary with gas hovering around $4 a
gallon. Last time I checked Democrats & Republicans were equally
affected by the price of gas! So it's funny that EV's or battery
manufacturers like A123 can become political footballs ... In the
immortal words of Doug Stansfield, central NJ EAA chapter founder &
national board member: electric vehicles are good for both Democrats & Republicans!
at Bucks County Renewables we believe that insatiability is not
sustainable, and that as a country we need to plan for the long term
rather than suck up all our existing resources in an energy frenzy.
Both electorally-validated parties seem willing to match each other in
commitments to drill, extract & deplete our continental supply of
fossil fuel, while all alternative propositions are marginalized ...
sigh ... lucky thing we're used to being out on the fringes and to
pulling the lever on Election Day for candidates who actually represent
our beliefs, instead of for business as usual. Hope you will be doing the same!
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Saturday, September 22, 2012
National Plug-In Day Celebrated in Philadelphia
National Plug-In Day
Learn, ride, and drive "electric" at The Franklin Institute!
Sunday, September 23, 2012 - 1200PM-4:00PMFree with Museum Admission

National Plug-In Day is a nationwide celebration designed to heighten awareness of plug-in vehicles and highlight the environmental and other benefits of all-electric and plug-in hybrid electric cars, trucks, and motorcycles. The second annual event will take the form of simultaneous electric vehicle activities staged in more than 50 cities coast to coast. National Plug-In Day 2012 is being organized by Plug-In America, the Sierra Club, and the Electric Auto Association.
This year's Philadelphia event, coordinated by Renew America Roadtrip, will be held at The Franklin Institute on Sunday, September 23 from 12:00PM-4:00PM.
Activities include:
12:00PM-4:00PM - "Ride and Drive" opportunities in many of the popular new production electric cars including the Nissan Leaf, Chevy Volt, Mitsubishi Miev, Toyota Plug-In Prius, Honda Insight FC, as well as electric motor bikes, scooters, hybrid bicycles, and Segways. Raffles for rides in select limited edition electric vehicles on display including the Tesla Roadster and the Fisker Karma.
12:30PM - Global Warming Science, presented by renowned environmental educator Richard Whiteford.
1:00PM - The Politics of Energy, presented by Former Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell. Signing of his new book A Nation of Wusses: How America's Leaders Lost the Guts to Make Us Great to follow.
2:00PM - City council citation presentation declaring September 23 National Plug-In Day in Philadelphia.
3:00PM - Revenge of the Electric Car movie screening—a lively and fun documentary about the road we have traveled to get to where we are with electric vehicles today.
12:00PM-4:00PM - Demonstrations of residential and business charging solutions by Ecotality.
12:00PM-4:00PM - The Tesla Science Foundation illustrates the science behind electric vehicles, including a live Tesla coil and wireless power demonstration.
12:00PM-4:00PM - Information and demonstrations provided by PECO Energy, Solar Journey USA, Advanced Solar Industries, Mom's Clean Air Force, Clean Air Council and more!
The event plus screening is free with general admission to The Franklin Institute. Advance registration is not required. Seating for the 3:00PM screening of Revenge of the Electric Car in Demonstration Theater is first come, first serve.
Monday, September 10, 2012
Frenchtown Green Fair - Saturday September 29
Coming Soon - the electric Miata will buzz down to Frenchtown (note "ELECTRIC CAR" is a featured display per the beautiful poster by local designer John Gattuso) for the first-ever Green Fair right in Bucks County Renewables' own stomping grounds! Though I am in fact a resident of the eponymous Pennsylvania county, in my non-EV incarnation I run a nonprofit Montessori school in Frenchtown. In fact, this festival will take place right across the street from where I work and twelve minutes from my house! Now that is what I call beautifullylocal.
The Green Fair is bound to be a great family day, filled with information, kids' crafts, vending & fun. All on a much smaller scale than our beloved & much-mourned 3-day Energy Fest in Kempton, but I do want to encourage all EV folks who are missing having a good dose of green thinking this September to come out for a visit -- bring your EV's if you care to (120v charging available). Frenchtown is a charming river town on the Delaware, with downtown shopping & outdoor activities to explore for those who want to make a weekend stay out of a visit to the area.
I'm a member of the municipal Green Team, a volunteer group that has been working for over two years to earn Sustainable Jersey certification for Frenchtown. The Green Fair, along with many other sustainability initiatives (a free Green Film series, an elementary school art project to decorate municipal recycling barrels & the development of a community garden to name a varied few), will help Frenchtown achieve recognition as an environmentally-conscious community & qualify for grants that will, in turn, help green the town further.
The Mid-Atlantic Renewable Energy Association has been very friendly about sharing information & support during our planning phase and will have a booth at the Green Fair as well. Hope to see you there!
Topic the Second:
*It's true everybody. It's a long story, but it's true. It's a complicated tale of multiple
Vanagon love. It might even be coming to this blog soon. ("Soon" having its usual
elastic operating definition per Bucks County Renewables tradition.)
The good news is, I will definitely post it as soon as the e-Vanagon, formerly known as "die Sprite" sells, because then it will have a happy ending! SO if you like love stories with happy endings, let all your would-be EV-driving friends know that one of the funkier project vehicles around is definitely available... having been recently thrown over for (gasp!) ... no wait it's a big surprise.
Everybody likes love stories with happy endings all around! And practically everybody likes & in fact actively desires an orange electric Vanagon, somewhere deep down inside them. Of this I am sure.
The Green Fair is bound to be a great family day, filled with information, kids' crafts, vending & fun. All on a much smaller scale than our beloved & much-mourned 3-day Energy Fest in Kempton, but I do want to encourage all EV folks who are missing having a good dose of green thinking this September to come out for a visit -- bring your EV's if you care to (120v charging available). Frenchtown is a charming river town on the Delaware, with downtown shopping & outdoor activities to explore for those who want to make a weekend stay out of a visit to the area.
I'm a member of the municipal Green Team, a volunteer group that has been working for over two years to earn Sustainable Jersey certification for Frenchtown. The Green Fair, along with many other sustainability initiatives (a free Green Film series, an elementary school art project to decorate municipal recycling barrels & the development of a community garden to name a varied few), will help Frenchtown achieve recognition as an environmentally-conscious community & qualify for grants that will, in turn, help green the town further.
The Mid-Atlantic Renewable Energy Association has been very friendly about sharing information & support during our planning phase and will have a booth at the Green Fair as well. Hope to see you there!
Topic the Second:
![]() |
The good news is, I will definitely post it as soon as the e-Vanagon, formerly known as "die Sprite" sells, because then it will have a happy ending! SO if you like love stories with happy endings, let all your would-be EV-driving friends know that one of the funkier project vehicles around is definitely available... having been recently thrown over for (gasp!) ... no wait it's a big surprise.
No batteries = no
juice, does not run! Pop in new lead-acid batts or convert to
$8000 firm only to readers of this blog (& their friends) ...
"list" (i.e.
Craigslist) price is a nice round $10K.
Everybody likes love stories with happy endings all around! And practically everybody likes & in fact actively desires an orange electric Vanagon, somewhere deep down inside them. Of this I am sure.
Friday, August 24, 2012
Heads Up There Is So Much!
As summer draws to an end we here at Bucks County Renewables would normally be looking ahead to the annual Energy Fest in Kempton PA. However, in July it was announced that the Board of MAREA had decided not to pursue mounting it in the face of a significant drop-off in vendor registration. All vendor fees that had been received were promptly refunded & exhibitors were very graciously thanked for their participation in what has been a wonderful, long-running grassroots effort to bring something that was outside of the mainstream further in.
In my opinion that Board made a sensible decision. Competition from the much-larger Mother Earth News Fair at Seven Springs which -- for the first time -- is occuring on the same date) was sure to diminish the revenue from a festival funded exclusively by vendor fees, admissions & a few small grants & sponsored by a very small but closeknit & effective nonprofit organization. By honorably choosing to protect all its members from the risks of losing money by putting on the Energy Fest, MAREA has preserved both financial resources & energy to pursue their other grassroots educational projects, such as the solar hot water for Opportunity House in Reading, PA; their wonderful monthly speaker series; and many other community projects & workshops.
These are exciting times for the organization, though it was sad for those of us who cherish Kempton to give it up! Fortunately for EV'ers who wouldn't dream of missing a weekend opportunity to haul their EV somewhere out of range & camp out for a few days talking their throats hoarse with each other & the general public, our friends in WESTERN Pennsylvania, PA Electrics & Three Rivers EVA, are organizing EV owners from Pittsburgh to Philly & beyond to come together and show their cars at the Mother Earth News Fair -- vehicle exhibitors have the $20 daily entrance fee waived.
Seven Springs is admittedly a lot farther away than Kempton from us here in southeastern parts. Folks from Three Rivers EVA are making plans to gather their right now, including Jon Belak & his family who have joined us two or three years in a row at Kempton with an array of sweet vehicles. This is a great opportunity to make a connection going in the other direction!
I wish I could be there but I can't get away -- being retired from the EV world is sometimes a bummer, though as a (huge) consolation I get to drive a Vanagon (yes, a GAS one). Meanwhile the Miata really is being driven by M, who loves driving it & loves tweaking it. Liquid cooled controller upgrade anyone? He won't let me take any pictures though, and that's okay; it's his car now.
Here is the other big news: because I am a fickle woman & only truly love a Vanagon that runs, I am selling off the e-Van! I didn't mean to do it yet but Saint Bill totally jumped the gun on me and put a Craigslist ad out on it when I merely mentioned the idea back on August 13. We have had no nibbles yet which is fine as I am busy busy busy. But, I am not going to let any old random person from Craigslist buy the e-Van for $10,000 when I could have someone who actually read this blog pay $8K only, so here finally is the ad (it's kinda buried at the end of this post which is the point).
I know there is somebody out there who is really jonesing for an orange electric Vanagon. This one's lead-acid batteries are shot & it's a perfect candidate for upgrading to lithium-ion, in which case WHO KNOWS HOW MUCH FUN YOU COULD HAVE.
Don't call me on the phone! I am on voice rest. Email jisaacs at if you are interested.
In my opinion that Board made a sensible decision. Competition from the much-larger Mother Earth News Fair at Seven Springs which -- for the first time -- is occuring on the same date) was sure to diminish the revenue from a festival funded exclusively by vendor fees, admissions & a few small grants & sponsored by a very small but closeknit & effective nonprofit organization. By honorably choosing to protect all its members from the risks of losing money by putting on the Energy Fest, MAREA has preserved both financial resources & energy to pursue their other grassroots educational projects, such as the solar hot water for Opportunity House in Reading, PA; their wonderful monthly speaker series; and many other community projects & workshops.
These are exciting times for the organization, though it was sad for those of us who cherish Kempton to give it up! Fortunately for EV'ers who wouldn't dream of missing a weekend opportunity to haul their EV somewhere out of range & camp out for a few days talking their throats hoarse with each other & the general public, our friends in WESTERN Pennsylvania, PA Electrics & Three Rivers EVA, are organizing EV owners from Pittsburgh to Philly & beyond to come together and show their cars at the Mother Earth News Fair -- vehicle exhibitors have the $20 daily entrance fee waived.
Seven Springs is admittedly a lot farther away than Kempton from us here in southeastern parts. Folks from Three Rivers EVA are making plans to gather their right now, including Jon Belak & his family who have joined us two or three years in a row at Kempton with an array of sweet vehicles. This is a great opportunity to make a connection going in the other direction!
I wish I could be there but I can't get away -- being retired from the EV world is sometimes a bummer, though as a (huge) consolation I get to drive a Vanagon (yes, a GAS one). Meanwhile the Miata really is being driven by M, who loves driving it & loves tweaking it. Liquid cooled controller upgrade anyone? He won't let me take any pictures though, and that's okay; it's his car now.
Here is the other big news: because I am a fickle woman & only truly love a Vanagon that runs, I am selling off the e-Van! I didn't mean to do it yet but Saint Bill totally jumped the gun on me and put a Craigslist ad out on it when I merely mentioned the idea back on August 13. We have had no nibbles yet which is fine as I am busy busy busy. But, I am not going to let any old random person from Craigslist buy the e-Van for $10,000 when I could have someone who actually read this blog pay $8K only, so here finally is the ad (it's kinda buried at the end of this post which is the point).
I know there is somebody out there who is really jonesing for an orange electric Vanagon. This one's lead-acid batteries are shot & it's a perfect candidate for upgrading to lithium-ion, in which case WHO KNOWS HOW MUCH FUN YOU COULD HAVE.
Don't call me on the phone! I am on voice rest. Email jisaacs at if you are interested.
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Wow, one of the e-Van's batteries exploded, Plus Miata Update
Here's the good news and more pending: the Miata passed its Enhanced Safety Vehicle Inspection and we have applied for title as a modified vehicle. Street legality is approaching as convertible weather becomes ideal, AND the bad cell has been replaced with our one extra. The pending even better news includes the imprimatur of the Commonwealth of PA on our application, after which our very nice Enhanced Safety Vehicle Inspection Officer Preston can affix our inspection stickers and the Miata will be street-legal. By that time I am sure that the battery pack will be re-secured, removing the cell was a drama indeed and involved Saint Bill giving his blessing to Matt cutting through a restraining bar and replacing it with wire. I will try to document the replacement process so that I can recapitulate some of the removal, it was pretty epic. Anyway just wanted to let you all know there is actual work going on around here at BCR's global HQ! Coming soon: one of this blog's patented flashback posts: fuller coverage of the Macungie EV-ent (in the meantime the website has been updated) AND news of an upcoming hands-on workshop for hybrids in Burlington in August! Stay tuned!
Thursday, May 17, 2012
EV Picnic in Macungie May 5 & a trailer for the 21st Century Automotive Challenge this weekend!
The 4th "and concluding" EV-ent in Macungie went off so swimmingly that we were relieved, here at Bucks County Renewables, of any apprehensions we might have had about barely promoting said occasion, least of all here on the blog. I was, nonetheless, mightily puzzled today to find that only a blank draft entitled "EV Picnic on May 5!" existed when up till now I seriously believed an entire promotional piece had been composed and posted on April 12. Sigh, maybe I only dreamed that I wrote it, in one of my horrible realistic dreams.
Pictures and a write-up of the EV-ent in Macungie were fortunately forthcoming from eco-modder Jeff Haskell, who returned for a 2nd year to the EV-ent and once again saved the day as far as official recording went -- we had 15 vehicles, which was amazing, and so much fun that I am worn out all over again just thinking about it! Hurray for us!
Skip to the 21st Century Automotive Challenge Trailer if You Don't Want to Read a Lot More Details About the EV-ent
In signature Bucks County Renewables style, I had left everything having to do with towing the Miata to Macungie to the last minute and then some. Meanwhile Saint Bill was all organized with a tow vehicle for the e-Van (grrrr). The Miata being not street-legal owing to a personal pathology involving me and filing forms in a timely manner, I could not just drive it there. Fortunately, the e-Van blew up a battery (considerately not very far away from Bill's house, so he could return on foot) en route to its pre-show clean-up, making a big mess & putting itself firmly on the disabled list. Ta-da! With the e-Van out of commission the Miata had a free tow & a friendly driver -- plus I helpfully got my back dirty and everything learning how to hook up chains and tire straps! So we GOT there, and had a wonderful time.
Did I mention there were fifteen vehicles? And everybody there was solidly talking to each other, trading tips & learning stuff, or in John Yecker's case lending out parts (an old lead-acid charger to tide over Dan from last summer's workshop, whose charger for his EV is being reprogrammed to take lithium!) or collecting them (the controller we borrowed to make the van go in September). It was relaxed, fun, & educational!
Our Fearless Leader Anna DiGate and I were so pleased with ourselves that we swore we would do it again. I also distinctly recollect that Brandon signed on as the Sign Person, and hereby nominate him additionally as Chief Organizer & Official Eye Candy of the Fifth and Not-Final EV-ent in Macungie.
I was so cross with myself for not having executed the long-promised enhanced safety vehicle inspection the Miata requires to be properly titled as a modified automobile and back on the road 100% legally, that I actually initiated that journey this week BUT I cannot spare a minute to recount what turned out to be a tortuous adventure because, while I have been dawdling around not posting about the EV-ent the 21st Century Automotive Challenge has ben sneaking up on us! And look!
Here is an incredibly cute trailer for this weekend's 21st Century Automotive Challenge in State College
Shared just tonight (yes, this is breaking news, people) by Ollie Perry, the President of the Eastern Electric Vehicle Club, this real-time video features our favorite man of mystery, Dan Monroe, in the biggest cliffhanger of his Saturn's build so far, as he races to complete it in time for the event this weekend!
Monroe Strives to Finish
Pictures and a write-up of the EV-ent in Macungie were fortunately forthcoming from eco-modder Jeff Haskell, who returned for a 2nd year to the EV-ent and once again saved the day as far as official recording went -- we had 15 vehicles, which was amazing, and so much fun that I am worn out all over again just thinking about it! Hurray for us!
Skip to the 21st Century Automotive Challenge Trailer if You Don't Want to Read a Lot More Details About the EV-ent
In signature Bucks County Renewables style, I had left everything having to do with towing the Miata to Macungie to the last minute and then some. Meanwhile Saint Bill was all organized with a tow vehicle for the e-Van (grrrr). The Miata being not street-legal owing to a personal pathology involving me and filing forms in a timely manner, I could not just drive it there. Fortunately, the e-Van blew up a battery (considerately not very far away from Bill's house, so he could return on foot) en route to its pre-show clean-up, making a big mess & putting itself firmly on the disabled list. Ta-da! With the e-Van out of commission the Miata had a free tow & a friendly driver -- plus I helpfully got my back dirty and everything learning how to hook up chains and tire straps! So we GOT there, and had a wonderful time.
Did I mention there were fifteen vehicles? And everybody there was solidly talking to each other, trading tips & learning stuff, or in John Yecker's case lending out parts (an old lead-acid charger to tide over Dan from last summer's workshop, whose charger for his EV is being reprogrammed to take lithium!) or collecting them (the controller we borrowed to make the van go in September). It was relaxed, fun, & educational!
Our Fearless Leader Anna DiGate and I were so pleased with ourselves that we swore we would do it again. I also distinctly recollect that Brandon signed on as the Sign Person, and hereby nominate him additionally as Chief Organizer & Official Eye Candy of the Fifth and Not-Final EV-ent in Macungie.
I was so cross with myself for not having executed the long-promised enhanced safety vehicle inspection the Miata requires to be properly titled as a modified automobile and back on the road 100% legally, that I actually initiated that journey this week BUT I cannot spare a minute to recount what turned out to be a tortuous adventure because, while I have been dawdling around not posting about the EV-ent the 21st Century Automotive Challenge has ben sneaking up on us! And look!
Here is an incredibly cute trailer for this weekend's 21st Century Automotive Challenge in State College
Shared just tonight (yes, this is breaking news, people) by Ollie Perry, the President of the Eastern Electric Vehicle Club, this real-time video features our favorite man of mystery, Dan Monroe, in the biggest cliffhanger of his Saturn's build so far, as he races to complete it in time for the event this weekend!
Monroe Strives to Finish
Friday, March 9, 2012
Finally: Leadership from the White House on this EV Thing
The below is by Gina Coplon-Newfield, the Sierra Club's Senior Campaign Representative for Electric Vehicles. I've never met Gina but I know from her regular blogposts that she is a tireless activist & networker who writes about her own personal experiences with driving EV's as well as national news, and I'm basically so tickled by receiving this particular one that I had to share a chunk of it here just for the record ... click on the continue button below to keep reading Gina's fine piece at the Sierra Club's website!

As gas prices rise again, and we Americans send more than $1 billion overseas for oil each and every day, mostly to fuel our cars and trucks, many people see no way out. But those of us who have driven electric vehicles know that oil-free driving is possible. That's why we took note yesterday when President Obama proposed bold new programs that would dramatically boost the market for electric vehicles and our ability to break Big Oil’s stranglehold on our way of life.
In a speech at the Daimler Trucks North America Mt. Holly manufacturing plant in North Carolina, President Obama said he plans to launch an "EV Everywhere" challenge to make EVs "as affordable and convenient as gasoline-powered vehicles for the average American family within a decade."
Designed by the Department of Energy as part of its Clean Energy Grand Challenges, this $650 million grant program would allow American scientists, engineers, and businesses to conduct the research and development that will lower the cost of EV batteries, improve EV driving distance range, and enhance EV fast-charging. These advances would be a total game changer and would allow EVs to surge into the mainstream.
... click here to keep reading ...
The below is by Gina Coplon-Newfield, the Sierra Club's Senior Campaign Representative for Electric Vehicles. I've never met Gina but I know from her regular blogposts that she is a tireless activist & networker who writes about her own personal experiences with driving EV's as well as national news, and I'm basically so tickled by receiving this particular one that I had to share a chunk of it here just for the record ... click on the continue button below to keep reading Gina's fine piece at the Sierra Club's website!
President Obama's Drive Toward Electric
As gas prices rise again, and we Americans send more than $1 billion overseas for oil each and every day, mostly to fuel our cars and trucks, many people see no way out. But those of us who have driven electric vehicles know that oil-free driving is possible. That's why we took note yesterday when President Obama proposed bold new programs that would dramatically boost the market for electric vehicles and our ability to break Big Oil’s stranglehold on our way of life.
In a speech at the Daimler Trucks North America Mt. Holly manufacturing plant in North Carolina, President Obama said he plans to launch an "EV Everywhere" challenge to make EVs "as affordable and convenient as gasoline-powered vehicles for the average American family within a decade."
Designed by the Department of Energy as part of its Clean Energy Grand Challenges, this $650 million grant program would allow American scientists, engineers, and businesses to conduct the research and development that will lower the cost of EV batteries, improve EV driving distance range, and enhance EV fast-charging. These advances would be a total game changer and would allow EVs to surge into the mainstream.
... click here to keep reading ...
Monday, March 5, 2012
Linda's Nissan Leaf Goes on a Road Trip! With Topo!
Guest poster Linda Swyderski returns with an account of one more exciting day-trip in the life of her new Leaf!
Feeling heady about the Leaf, I took it from our farm, Four Magic Acres, to the Universal Athletic Club, on the Oregon Pike in Lancaster, on Saturday. That trip is about 33 miles one way . . . nearly all downhill going out.
Below is a topographical representation of the route, which is from Route 401 to Route 23 to Landis Valley Road to Oregon Pike. The last big dip in the route (below 300’) is the Conestoga River.

Even starting with a theoretical 100% charge, my spouse was worried I wouldn’t make it back without “topping off” somewhere. According to, there is a “Chris F” in Leola with a Level 2 charger, four miles east of Universal. I emailed “Chris F” but never heard back from him (I did not call). Additionally, Brandon Hollinger of BH Conversions is right in downtown Lancaster and happily offered me a charge, four miles south of Universal. Plus, there’s Lancaster Nissan, four miles west of Universal. Yeah, I know; weird that they’re all four miles from the gym.
I drove to Universal and arrived with “50 miles” of range. So, from a full, 100% charge, traveling 33 miles (mostly downhill), I consumed half of my range. Okay, no problem, right; I’ve only got to travel 33 miles back home with “50 miles” of range. Ah, but remember, those “50 miles” of range are contingent upon many factors!
After allowing my body to be completely beaten up at Universal for the entire morning, I had a massage and a shower, then drove the Leaf four miles west to Lancaster Nissan. Thanks to a friend, I knew exactly where the Level 2 chargers were and located them easily. I parked the Leaf in the empty stall by the chargers and popped into the dealership to let them know I was out for supper and I’d be back in a couple hours. They seemed utterly delighted to have someone come and use their chargers.
After a fantastic meal at a nearby restaurant, my girlfriend drove me back to the Leaf, which was charged up to 80% (“84 miles”). I hopped in and drove home.
Where Route 401 begins, at the eastern edge of Morgantown, I was already down to “50 miles” of range. A couple miles later, at the intersection of Routes 401 and 345 (literally five miles from home), I was down to “47 miles” of range, but that intersection begins the long uphill trek home. Hard on horses; even harder on electric cars.
Care to guess my range when I pulled into the garage and plugged ‘er in?
“30 miles”
From Lancaster Nissan, I traveled 37 miles consuming “54 miles” of range to get home. The last five miles consumed “17 miles” of range. If I had started home from Universal Athletic, where I was at “50 miles” of range, I would have just made it home. Just. And, if it had been colder, maybe not. For the optimists who thought I could make the trip, out and back, on a single charge (yes, I was in ECO mode; no, I NEVER turned the heat on at all; yes, I WAS cold, even with the heated steering wheel and seat!), yeah, maybe I would have made it, but I am disinclined to run that close to the edge, and with three Level 2 charging points within four miles of my destination, why would I risk it?
After this adventure, do I yet have “range anxiety”? In the immortal words of actor Will Smith, “Aw, hell, no”.
It has more proven the point that there is EV infrastructure available . . . at least where -I- want to go.
Feeling heady about the Leaf, I took it from our farm, Four Magic Acres, to the Universal Athletic Club, on the Oregon Pike in Lancaster, on Saturday. That trip is about 33 miles one way . . . nearly all downhill going out.
Below is a topographical representation of the route, which is from Route 401 to Route 23 to Landis Valley Road to Oregon Pike. The last big dip in the route (below 300’) is the Conestoga River.

Even starting with a theoretical 100% charge, my spouse was worried I wouldn’t make it back without “topping off” somewhere. According to, there is a “Chris F” in Leola with a Level 2 charger, four miles east of Universal. I emailed “Chris F” but never heard back from him (I did not call). Additionally, Brandon Hollinger of BH Conversions is right in downtown Lancaster and happily offered me a charge, four miles south of Universal. Plus, there’s Lancaster Nissan, four miles west of Universal. Yeah, I know; weird that they’re all four miles from the gym.
I drove to Universal and arrived with “50 miles” of range. So, from a full, 100% charge, traveling 33 miles (mostly downhill), I consumed half of my range. Okay, no problem, right; I’ve only got to travel 33 miles back home with “50 miles” of range. Ah, but remember, those “50 miles” of range are contingent upon many factors!
After allowing my body to be completely beaten up at Universal for the entire morning, I had a massage and a shower, then drove the Leaf four miles west to Lancaster Nissan. Thanks to a friend, I knew exactly where the Level 2 chargers were and located them easily. I parked the Leaf in the empty stall by the chargers and popped into the dealership to let them know I was out for supper and I’d be back in a couple hours. They seemed utterly delighted to have someone come and use their chargers.
After a fantastic meal at a nearby restaurant, my girlfriend drove me back to the Leaf, which was charged up to 80% (“84 miles”). I hopped in and drove home.
Where Route 401 begins, at the eastern edge of Morgantown, I was already down to “50 miles” of range. A couple miles later, at the intersection of Routes 401 and 345 (literally five miles from home), I was down to “47 miles” of range, but that intersection begins the long uphill trek home. Hard on horses; even harder on electric cars.
Care to guess my range when I pulled into the garage and plugged ‘er in?
“30 miles”
From Lancaster Nissan, I traveled 37 miles consuming “54 miles” of range to get home. The last five miles consumed “17 miles” of range. If I had started home from Universal Athletic, where I was at “50 miles” of range, I would have just made it home. Just. And, if it had been colder, maybe not. For the optimists who thought I could make the trip, out and back, on a single charge (yes, I was in ECO mode; no, I NEVER turned the heat on at all; yes, I WAS cold, even with the heated steering wheel and seat!), yeah, maybe I would have made it, but I am disinclined to run that close to the edge, and with three Level 2 charging points within four miles of my destination, why would I risk it?
After this adventure, do I yet have “range anxiety”? In the immortal words of actor Will Smith, “Aw, hell, no”.
It has more proven the point that there is EV infrastructure available . . . at least where -I- want to go.
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Infrastructure - shminsfrastructure!
Guest post from Linda Swyderski, who shot the great & late lamented video of the 2010 Macungie EV-ent ... sniffle ... and has made up for the fact that it's missing in action still with this awesome little guide to zeroing in on plug-in opportunities through plugshare:
Browse to and create an account
What looks to be informational keys at the bottom left are actually buttons, so the “Home Chargers” and “Public Charging Stations” are buttons that you can click on.
When you hover over them, your cursor changes to show they are selectable. This maps works as a standard Google map.
So, if I ZOOM into southeastern Pennsylvania, let’s assume for a second that every Nissan dealer has a Level 2 charger by now, but look at all the residences!
Okay, yeah, a lot of them are 120V, but there are some Level 2’s out there.
Let’s ZOOM in a little closer. Now, do you see us?
No? Well, here we are!
How cool is that!?!?
Thanks Linda -- and thanks to Matt for this great Leaf review:
Browse to and create an account
What looks to be informational keys at the bottom left are actually buttons, so the “Home Chargers” and “Public Charging Stations” are buttons that you can click on.
When you hover over them, your cursor changes to show they are selectable. This maps works as a standard Google map.
So, if I ZOOM into southeastern Pennsylvania, let’s assume for a second that every Nissan dealer has a Level 2 charger by now, but look at all the residences!
Okay, yeah, a lot of them are 120V, but there are some Level 2’s out there.
Let’s ZOOM in a little closer. Now, do you see us?
No? Well, here we are!
How cool is that!?!?
Thanks Linda -- and thanks to Matt for this great Leaf review:
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Thank You Mr/Ms Anonymous
I tried three times to post a reply to your comment on my 10/23 post, and every time Blogger ate it whole instead of publishing it, which made me remember how lovely it is to be on infuriating-interface-hiatus! But it was so nice of you to drop by and wish me well that I have persisted and will now reconstruct what was meant to be a brief reply (but of course wasn't) as an actual post, the publishing of which historically works like it is supposed to.
Dear Reader(s?), all is well and I am very happy running Secret Garden Montessori. In the absence of EV responsibilities or blog-tending I've had time to read (The Information by James Gleick, awesome, and also the extraordinary online comic 2dgoggles), go to poetry readings (Ethel Rackin & James Richardson, also awesome), and deal with my house (which is very much still in progress but I am sure will be awesome some day). I also recently had an essay published on my CSA's blog The Blooming Glen Beet where you will notice I plugged Bucks County Renewables despite officially being on hiatus.
Furthermore, I have stirred out of EV-hibernation to travel up to Princeton to sit in a Tesla Model S -- yes, if I had gotten to drive it I would have posted! -- and to attend the Jan 31 MAREA public meeting, a very informative talk about battery back-up for grid-tied PV systems which drew a sizable crowd AND was live-streamed for the first time. If you live out of range of these great monthly talks take note of the procedures on the website for accessing them online.
Looking forward to the spring, have no fear -- Bucks County Renewables is merely slumbering underground for the season, not gone from the EV scene forever. You can be sure that in a few weeks I'll be trundling out of my groundhog burrow and blinking around in the sunlight, ready to start promoting the 2012 EV-ent in Macungie: Special No-Stress Picnic Edition, slated for late April or early May! So hang tight -- soon there will be details, truly.
In the meantime, Mr/Ms Anonymous, thanks for the nice note, especially the mention that you're still waiting for the promised, olympically relevant, but alas! so far mythical Occupy-Wall-Street-and-EV's post; if it emerges it will be less ebullient, more bittersweet, but never defeated.
Dear Reader(s?), all is well and I am very happy running Secret Garden Montessori. In the absence of EV responsibilities or blog-tending I've had time to read (The Information by James Gleick, awesome, and also the extraordinary online comic 2dgoggles), go to poetry readings (Ethel Rackin & James Richardson, also awesome), and deal with my house (which is very much still in progress but I am sure will be awesome some day). I also recently had an essay published on my CSA's blog The Blooming Glen Beet where you will notice I plugged Bucks County Renewables despite officially being on hiatus.
Furthermore, I have stirred out of EV-hibernation to travel up to Princeton to sit in a Tesla Model S -- yes, if I had gotten to drive it I would have posted! -- and to attend the Jan 31 MAREA public meeting, a very informative talk about battery back-up for grid-tied PV systems which drew a sizable crowd AND was live-streamed for the first time. If you live out of range of these great monthly talks take note of the procedures on the website for accessing them online.
Looking forward to the spring, have no fear -- Bucks County Renewables is merely slumbering underground for the season, not gone from the EV scene forever. You can be sure that in a few weeks I'll be trundling out of my groundhog burrow and blinking around in the sunlight, ready to start promoting the 2012 EV-ent in Macungie: Special No-Stress Picnic Edition, slated for late April or early May! So hang tight -- soon there will be details, truly.
In the meantime, Mr/Ms Anonymous, thanks for the nice note, especially the mention that you're still waiting for the promised, olympically relevant, but alas! so far mythical Occupy-Wall-Street-and-EV's post; if it emerges it will be less ebullient, more bittersweet, but never defeated.
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
OK Want to See Some Godlike EV Conversion Video Right Here Right Now?
Wow ow wow so we break the hiatus for a little bit just to hook you all up with what is going down with our friends over at Amp Revolt. This filmic snippet goes out in particular to the subset of participants in BCR workshops over the years who plaintively expressed the wish that they could have been around for the "de-fossilizing" of the vehicle (= removal of internal combustion engine, exhaust system & all those freaking fluids).
You asked -- we give you the process. Watch and enjoy; send your kudos to Brandon Hollinger for the videography & awesome soundtrack. We at Bucks County Renewables heartily endorse the central instructive message of this video, which is that teamwork rules. At every point in your build, having a buddy will make a difference. Together we're godlike, dudes!
You asked -- we give you the process. Watch and enjoy; send your kudos to Brandon Hollinger for the videography & awesome soundtrack. We at Bucks County Renewables heartily endorse the central instructive message of this video, which is that teamwork rules. At every point in your build, having a buddy will make a difference. Together we're godlike, dudes!
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