Slightly off-topic re: EV's, but we here at Bucks County Renewables see efficient home-building & diverse, locale-appropriate, local energy sourcing as VERY IMPORTANT to our non-fossil-fuel-dependent future, so please note and/or participate in regionally important networking for the cause -- drive your EV there if possible!
LVGB Annual Meeting 2014
NCC Southside Campus, 511 East 3rd Street, Bethlehem, PA 18015
*** NOTE DATE CHANGED to APRIL 1 *** 2014
5:00 PM EST
*** NOTE DATE CHANGED to APRIL 1 *** 2014
5:00 PM EST

LVGB Annual Meeting 2014:
High-Performance on the International Stage!
Over the last two years, we brought you exciting and enlightening presentations - one focused on high-performance design/construction as it relates to building codes now and into the future and another sharing insight into the design teams of two successful Solar Decathlon homes from the Washington, DC event. And this year, we continue the informative series on high-performance design and construction - this time with a bit of an international flair. The Lehigh Valley Green Builders invites you to attend our Annual Meeting 2014 for two great presentations - learn about a world record setting wind turbine installation in Peru executed by local college students and faculty; and discover, from a local juror's perspective, the creativity and innovation that college students from around the globe brought to this year's Solar Decathlon in California.
Record Setting Wind Turbine Installation
This presentation will feature the three and half week record setting wind turbine installation completed in a remote mountain village of Peru. Standing nearly 16,000 feet above sea level, the turbine built with the help of Northampton Community College (NCC) students and faculty will likely meet the Guinness World Records criteria for “highest altitude wind turbine in the world.” WindAid officials say the turbine NCC students and faculty helped to build is 4,882 meters above sea level, or far higher than the previous Guinness record of 4,110 meters. Presenters will be Dan Philipps (NCC HVAC/R Program Manager and LVGB Vice President), Christine Armstrong (NCC Professor), and a few students who assisted in this monumental project.
Judging the U.S. DOE Solar Decathlon 2013
This presentation will highlight the nineteen cutting-edge high-performance homes designed and built by college students from around the globe all showcased at the U.S. Department of Energy Solar Decathlon 2013 in Orange County, California. Brian Baker (Owner | Director of Marketing & Design at studio26 homes | Renu Building & Energy Solutions and LVGB President) will share his insights of these truly innovative and inspirational homes through his lens as one of 12 jurors from across the country judging the international event.
Come Join Us!
Come and join us for some fresh ideas, and to network with other LVGB members and industry professionals from around the Lehigh Valley!
There will be a NETWORKING RECEPTION (with hors d'oeuvres) at 5:00 pm followed by the "High Performance Buildings for 2013 & Beyond" presentation which will run from 6:00pm to 7:00pm.
To enable us to plan accordingly, pre-registration is required for the Reception Hour and "High-Performance on the International Stage" presentation ($12/$18 members/non-members now, $15/$20 members/non-members at the door).
Please also consider joining us earlier at 4:30pm for the LVGB Annual Members Meeting for a review of LVGB's past year, future goals and planned events - plus this is your chance as a member to vote on the Board of Directors.
To renew or become an LVGB member click here*.
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