Breaking news (just in time for me to make my personal goal of updating this blog at least once a month!) -- I've had a flurry of emails recently around the possibility of converting another Vanagon. We have a very motivated owner in the Allentown PA area who wants to convert her 1982 Vanagon, and the
MidAtlantic Renewable Energy Asssociation is willing to serve as the sponsoring nonprofit. I'm ready to help in any way I can, including referring the folks who've been contacting me wondering whether there would be a workshop in 2008 and of course sharing what we learned from our experience with the e-Vanagon. So stay tuned -- perhaps there will be an opportunity for the e-curious to get some hands-on experience in a conversion workshop in the near future!
I am on the island of Molokai and want to convert a 1982 Vanagon to electric power. Any help on sources of the material to do this would be appreciated. I wish the site had more details.
Dear Tom,
I'm so sorry your comment got overlooked for all this time. Sorry you found the site lacking in details! Our conversion kit came from Bob Batson at EVAmerica; all the specifics can be found here http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=pzEaY_dxs70oRqZVURzVlTA&output=html in a spreadsheet that includes not just the materials we got from EVAmerica but everything we used for the van. Good luck with your conversion! If you have queries don't hesitate to post them here!
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