National Plug-In Day
Learn, ride, and drive "electric" at The Franklin Institute!
Sunday, September 23, 2012 - 1200PM-4:00PMFree with Museum Admission

National Plug-In Day is a nationwide celebration designed to heighten awareness of plug-in vehicles and highlight the environmental and other benefits of all-electric and plug-in hybrid electric cars, trucks, and motorcycles. The second annual event will take the form of simultaneous electric vehicle activities staged in more than 50 cities coast to coast. National Plug-In Day 2012 is being organized by Plug-In America, the Sierra Club, and the Electric Auto Association.
This year's Philadelphia event, coordinated by Renew America Roadtrip, will be held at The Franklin Institute on Sunday, September 23 from 12:00PM-4:00PM.
Activities include:
12:00PM-4:00PM - "Ride and Drive" opportunities in many of the popular new production electric cars including the Nissan Leaf, Chevy Volt, Mitsubishi Miev, Toyota Plug-In Prius, Honda Insight FC, as well as electric motor bikes, scooters, hybrid bicycles, and Segways. Raffles for rides in select limited edition electric vehicles on display including the Tesla Roadster and the Fisker Karma.
12:30PM - Global Warming Science, presented by renowned environmental educator Richard Whiteford.
1:00PM - The Politics of Energy, presented by Former Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell. Signing of his new book A Nation of Wusses: How America's Leaders Lost the Guts to Make Us Great to follow.
2:00PM - City council citation presentation declaring September 23 National Plug-In Day in Philadelphia.
3:00PM - Revenge of the Electric Car movie screening—a lively and fun documentary about the road we have traveled to get to where we are with electric vehicles today.
12:00PM-4:00PM - Demonstrations of residential and business charging solutions by Ecotality.
12:00PM-4:00PM - The Tesla Science Foundation illustrates the science behind electric vehicles, including a live Tesla coil and wireless power demonstration.
12:00PM-4:00PM - Information and demonstrations provided by PECO Energy, Solar Journey USA, Advanced Solar Industries, Mom's Clean Air Force, Clean Air Council and more!
The event plus screening is free with general admission to The Franklin Institute. Advance registration is not required. Seating for the 3:00PM screening of Revenge of the Electric Car in Demonstration Theater is first come, first serve.